Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

This mama is determined to not get behind with holiday and birthday posts this year, and the fact that my computer is now my camera certainly helps with that goal. (Did I ever post my birthday marathon entry? Oh, dear!)

Seven-year-old H asked to "be a cheerleader for the whole United States!" As someone else put it after I shared that with them, our nation "could use some cheerleaders right now."

 Three-year-old Fireman Sam was obviously up past his bedtime, but at least he cheered up as candy was passed out!  He and sister enjoyed a candy fest while I put the baby to bed afterward, even though only 2 of our 9 apartment neighbors were home and giving out candy. Those two were generous, so they nearly made up for the others.

Twenty-month-old N didn't mind his father simply putting an E.T. shirt on him. He also figured out how to be offered extra candy at our first stop!

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