Thursday, February 6, 2014

Silly Lil'S

Just wanted to share a couple cute moments I had with Lil'S this evening.
Lil'S asked for a cookie.  I was about to get him one when I found that a bag that had once had two cookies (of a different type) now only had a single cookie in it.
Mom: "I said one cookie!  You already ate a cookie!"
Lil'S: "I know. And it tasted so good."
Mom: couldn't help do anything but laugh
He finally started asking for another "football" cookie again, and as he was just so cute I was having a hard time refusing.  So, I told him that if he helped me he could have another cookie.  I had him put some paper in the recycling, which he was overjoyed to do, and then I handed him a red pillow to put back on the couch.  
Of course, Mitzie the cat was sitting on said couch.
Lil'S wandered over to the couch with the pillow in arms and announced, "I will give Mitzie squooshies."
I quickly responded, "No, no giving Mitzie squooshies."
Lil'S insisted, "She was meowing because she wants squooshies."
He then proceeded to rearrange the couch pillows while chatting quietly and nicely to the cat.  I couldn't hear what he said, but the cat wasn't complaining, so I took advantage of the moment to continue working on what I was in the middle of, although, yes, I knew I was being "inconsistent" by not making sure he wasn't squashing the cat, which actually was likely.  Here's what I found when I checked in on the two of them.

Yup!  He was giving Mitzie "squooshies"!
(Note the partly eaten cookie in his hand above the cat.)

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