Friday, April 16, 2010

Blessings of Less

Over the past few years, S and I have tried to improve our lives by clearing out the clutter. Here's a blog posting he emailed me the other day, one that applies to our children.

Fewer Toys?

Clearing out H's toys, with her excited involvement even, is actually much easier than clearing out my own stuff. Imagine that. . . . ;)

1 comment:

Ross & Amanda Goodman- but mostly Amanda :) said...

This is something we live by at our house! We have a shelf and two small plastic bins with toys on and in them. When those are full, that is it. If they get new toys that don't fit, then they have to choose something to give away. Emma likes that because we have told her they are going to other kids who need toys and don't have any. Sara hasn't caught on to the joy of it, but she doesn't get upset because she is part of the process, so none of her favorites are taken away- and this is how it has always been for her, so it has become second nature.

Anyway- sorry for the long comment. This is just me saying, Good Idea! It will bless you and those angels of yours!