Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy Fall!

Why is it that when I go to do a quick photoshoot the date stamping option is turned on? And why do I not see this until the pictures are taken? And, why is it that I still don't know how it's turned on and off in the first place? Oh, well. Beautiful day + beautiful kids (am I impartial?) = time for pictures!

Happy Fall!

My camera lens was dirty too, but again, oh, well!
Cute kids negate lots of things, right?

Yum! or should I say, Yuck!

Yeah, yeah, messy background, I know...but look at that face!


HW said...

Fun pictures! And I must say the picture on your header is the best thing I've seen all day.

Jake said...

Dear Bex,,s,336699&chco=d0d0d0,cc0000&chd=s:999999999999999999999999999999&chld=ALAZCACOHIGAIDILIAKYLAMDMAMSMTMONENVNJNMNYNCNDSDPAORUTTNVAWY
Ha! I win :) Thanks for the update and I'll see y'all in two weeks!

Megan and Jeremy said...

Soooooo cute!!!! I love all those pictures. Happy, cute kids are pretty much the coolest thing ever. :)

Linnea Shaw said...

Oh my! What precious pictures! What darling grandchildren we have!

Southern Spud said...

Thanks everyone, we're pretty infatuated with these kids as well, in case you couldn't tell....


Jake, LOL! And, how have you been more places than me, lil'bro???