Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Last Friday, H came to me and asked, "Mom, can you help me stand the Christmas tree back up?"

I'm grateful it fell away from Lil'S, who was playing nearby on the floor.

Also last week, I started singing a song to Lil'S, swaying as I did so, and he started bop'n along. :) New Skill of the Week!

Today I caught on video Lil'S's current New Skill of the Week and his First Lesson From Big Sister. Nice. He even pushed himself away from the table so that he could do it. Little Smarty Pants!

Sad moment for me: I got an email from a fellow church member sharing that there was an opening at a preschool I'd looked at for H last year. I was all excited, thinking, "Hey! This is perfect!" We don't have the $ to put Little Miss in a regular preschool, but we were planning to put her into a summer program to get her used to being away so much as paying for three months is significantly cheaper than paying for 9 months. Of course, I forgot how much preschools typically run: $250/mo easy. $250/mo for three months would be a dream. $250/mo for five months would be a nightmare.

Oh, well. . . . At least she's doing similar activities to what I've been doing with H--even if H's not getting to do those activities as regularly as I'd like. But the good thing from all this is that I found the mom running this in-home preschool has a blog about running her little school. Nice! She also has links to some other preschool sites. Bonus! I've added it to my "A Few Helpful Ladies" list there along the right of this blog. The name of her school is Mind Garden Preschool. Cute name, huh. If I was an organized, not-ADD-mother, I would totally do the same thing she is: running a fun preschool for my kids and their friends and getting paid to do it!


Cindy said...

Hey Ms. R
I have some friends that do Joy Preschool, which is a group of mothers that each take a turn and teach a lesson.

or google it.
I didn't do preschool with my daughter but she did do 2 years of daycare, and she is doing really well in Kindergarden.

Southern Spud said...

:) Thanks, Cindy, and good to see you again! My mom did Joy School with my little brother. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get going with a group here. The moms in my ward are too far south of town. Maybe I should have tried to connect with others via community websites.....hmmm....