Friday, October 7, 2011

Elana's Pantry

The other day S emailed me a post about a low-starch Strawberry Shortcake recipe. It was from the blog Elana's Pantry, a gluten-free foodie blog written by a mom of two boys. I don't know how S came across it, but I was proud of him for looking to gluten-free resources for ideas on his low-starch diet. I've found them to have some great ideas every now and then. While perusing Elana's site, I was suprised with 1) how she used highly nutrient-dense foods (the way I generally shop is by judging how much nutrition I'm getting for my money), 2) how very simple the recipes are (that's the only way I cook), 3) how her kids loved what she cooked (if kids are intro'd to healthy foods simply by making it available in a pressure-free environment, they'll eat it and sometimes love it more than we do!) and 4) how in love everyone was with everything she did (WOW, YOU MEAN SIMPLE AND HEALTHY CAN BE POPULAR???).

Part of me was just dying with the thought that, you mean, I could totally be doing my own blog about these things I've learned to do so simply (cuz they wouldn't happen otherwise in my life!), and everyone would just love it!? No way!!! The other part of me was simply in love with her for having learned what she has and for sharing it with others, despite the fact it's SO OVERLY EASY. It's true she does use some fancy oils (walnut, grapeseed) and salts, but those are no problem to replace with our typical olive or canola oils. Maybe they won't be quite as tasty, but hey, she's very obviously on a different food budget than we are!

Anyway, here are some of the ideas I gleaned from Elana's Pantry. Thanks, Elana for the ideas, new and old. I'm looking forward to more of them.

How to Store and Prepare Kale This is for those of you new to kale and greens in general. . . . Greens are not something I grew up eating. S just picked them up a year or so ago for us to try out. He's come up with a couple ways of cooking them that we like, but it's time to do something else so we don't just get sick of it. He can't have cabbage anymore, so kale and whatever other greens we decide to try out now have to be the replacement for meals the whole family can enjoy.
Squash Fries Squash, winter squashes at least, are now officially off S's list as well--who'd a thought cabbage and winter squash had moderate amounts of starch???--but the kids and I can eat them when H gets home from school.
Dairy-free, Egg-free Ranch Dressing I'm guessing the vegenaisse will be more expensive than the Tofutti sour cream replacement S and I have been using to make my mom's delicious dill dip all summer. However, it would be egg-free, allowing me to actually share this with Lil'S when it's just him and me eating at lunch time. If I have to hide and sneak my food around the kids, I'm much less likely to eat it, and what's the point of that?

S just arrived home from Kroger with both kids in tow. He only left an hour ago. How does he do that???
Better go--Happy Eats!

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