Last night I got the basics of our summer routine figured out! Phew! It's awesome and even includes a nightly glass of chocolate milk as my reward for a job well done. A.W.E.S.O.M.E. Do I dare even admit that I'm officially joining the ranks of insane people who go exercising at times of day that only the insane consider and only the truly insane attempt--and continue? Yes, it's true. At 5:45 IN THE MORNING I am going to be rolling out of bed, praying, and going outside for a lovely walk in the gentle breezes and early lights of dawn. Maybe someday it'll turn into a true workout, but hey, baby steps here. Guess why the chocolate milk comes in. (see footnote...did I really just type "see footnote"?) ;)
PLUS, a friend emailed me a link to an
e-book about teaching young kids to clean. It's FREE for a short time for FB fans, and really only costs $3 otherwise. It's pretty simple, but the great part to it is that it's written for people like me!!! (Short attention spans, little motivation to do something like scrubbing floors when they could be doing something else, etc.) It's totally what I was looking for as well, something to get us all working on getting our house together--as a family effort. Some things do still need to be tailored to my own home, naturally, but she's got outlines and game plans and a couple explanatory pictures for the kids and some learn-from-her-own-mistakes tips . . . and empathy. ;) Again, wahoo!!! I have activities for days we're home that actually contribute to our family goal!!!
I need wahoos today because poor H's been puking throughout the day. Grateful that's the extent of it, though! And tomorrow's her last day of school too. poor kid. :(
laugh for the day:
Lil'S has been eating berries all day, and I've had to lock the fridge to keep him out of them.
S: "[Lil'S] just found the blueberries and did a little happy celebration dance."
Lil'S: "Wha!!! b-dl-b-dl-b-dl!!!" (noise he makes with his tongue and lips indicating "berries" or "bubbles"...guess I'll have to add a vid of him....)
footnote: I've been reading
a new book about habits and
a book about marriage and ADHD, and I realized two main reasons why ADD/ADHDers have such a hard time with basic, normal things is 1) they get side-tracked away from even starting/completing an potential important habit, and 2) even when they do do something that would be a healthy habit to keep, their brains don't register the natural rewards as strongly as others do, either because it gets distracted from doing so or because their congratulatory dopamine release is lower. Therefore, the mind doesn't develop a desire to repeat those actions that lead to the reward.
no desire = no repeat = no habit = dysfunctional lifestyle
Again, thus the chocolate milk that I get to sit back and enjoy for however long I feel like it, one little sip at a time.