Saturday, June 30, 2012

Thank You Vids!

As I rarely get thank you cards out, I often take pictures or videos of my kids playing with whatever whoever special sent them, and then of course I never get those pictures or vids shared with that special someone.  Well, today I'm being good.

 Uncle J, Aunt M, Cousins N&M . . . these are for you!

This was the last in a long stream of attempts to get a decent vid of H saying thank you.  I really should've included all the earlier attempts; they're pretty funny.  What a goof she was being! 

You know that train book you gave Lil'S forever ago that had little toy trains inside it?  Well, we put it up until he was just a bit older, and a bit older turned into a lot older.  S remembered them when I was lamenting that Lil'S didn't have a train set to play with, and a couple weeks later I finally grabbed them and pulled them out.  Were they a hit?  

Um, how about we just label them as the new obsession.  Or, more correctly, Lil'S's first obsession.  He's never been so excited about a toy before.  I mean, yeah, he loved his riding firetruck at Christmas time, but he could walk away from that.

These?  He carried them with him everywhere he went for two days straight. 


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