Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Kids sleep update

Just wanted to get this posted someplace for future reference. I'm super stressed about what to do with the kids' (and thus MY) summer routines, but I know it'll work itself out somehow.  Just will it be in a good way or a bad way???  ;)

email to a friend:

Re: naps, it would be a blessing if [H] didn't fight sleep so much and we weren't so great at getting her off her sleep routine, which always means her not being able to sleep and waking at night.  She's been on melatonin for the past two years, which has helped in a miraculous way.  Full-day kindergarten has been torture until this past couple months, but I'm also not the nicest mommy when pregnant.  We had to bring her home from school once a week just to make it through each week, and bedtimes before baby was born was 6 p.m.!  Now bedtimes have been 6:30-7, so she's spiraled to not sleeping until 8/9 and waking up each night instead of just waking one night a week.  I now just let her join us in bed or on the floor instead of making her go back to her own bed so that her awakenings don't interfere as much with my sleep as they otherwise would.  I'm looking forward to her napping regularly again, although it'll just have to be temporary until we can get her caught up. Then we need to figure out how much sleep (and when) she really needs now.  I'm sure next fall will be rough, but perhaps by next spring she will only need 10 hrs at night instead of this past year's 12 hrs at night and 2 hrs during the day?? Ha, riiight....

It looks like [S] will be the same way.  He sleeps better than she does--although I had finally understood infant sleep by the time he came around, so that's more because of me.  He sleeps for 3 hrs during the day if he's had his full 12 hrs at night.  Lately with our schedules being off he's gotten only 10-11 at night, so he'll seriously take a 4-5 hour nap mid-day.  It's amazing!   But it's not his ideal sleep times, so he's still a bit cranky anyway.  :(

[N's] also been one serious sleeper, and he's topping them all!  It's been a huge blessing with the whole transition to three kids thing, especially with the oldest child being the difficult sleeper.  He probably started sleeping 6 hrs at night at 2 weeks and now he's often sleeping 9 hours at night!  At 3.5 months old!  He still sleeps most of the day--he'll have probably 2-3 awake periods that last an hour or two.  These will be during the day if we're out and about--he can't sleep if we're out and about, which is opposite of [S] and [H] until at least 5-6 months of age--or late in the evenings if we're home all day.  I think there will be no choice but to homeschool or hold him back for kindergarten if we're still in NC!  (I wanted to do one of those with H's sleep needs this past year, but with me pregnant homeschooling wasn't an option, and I still dislike the idea of holding back any of our kids unless they are a summer birthday and need it from an academic standpoint.)

I am so looking forward to summer!!! :D  Get my two older kids back on a good routine!!  Then maybe *I'll* get some good solid sleep regularly too, eh?  :) Ha, riiight.  I'm afraid [H] gets her issues from me. :P  Oh, well.  Such is life!  :)

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