Monday, November 24, 2008

My Little Writer. . . .

H asked Papa to draw her a picture of her and a school bus.  After watching him draw it, she colored it.  (And S and I traded places--he finished the dishes and I joined H at the table.)  She then asked me to draw her a couple more pictures.  I scribbled down what she said about each picture.  Looks like she's written her first story.  We are quite impressed, but of course, we're her parents.

As I took these pictures to share with all of you, she asked to make a movie.  So, not only has she written her first story, but she's also made her first movie. . . .  

She then wanted to go to school . . . at 6:30 on a Sunday night.  "Me shoes!"  This brought me back to the world of having a two-year-old.  It sure seemed like she was much older than that for a while!  We risked a I've-had-no-nap-today tantrum as we tried to explain that it wasn't time to go to school yet.  Eventually, though, she filled her little Care Bears backpack with the drawings for her story and a package of markers, and then she paraded around with her backpack on for about a half an hour or so before announcing, "School bus bring me home me done school."


Jenny said...

Hannah is so adorable! I'm glad we have you as neighbors so we can drop in and play whenever we want. :) Just a heads up, you might see us tomorrow.

Southern Spud said...

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Megan and Jeremy said...

How cute is that little laugh! So young to be writing a book and filming a movie! You inspire me to post more videos :)