Thursday, March 3, 2011


Long story short, we just learned H has amblyopia, which is where the brain favors one eye, resulting in the loss of vision in the other eye. She has mild strabismus, which is likely the cause of it. I really wish we'd been aware of the fact that st. can cause a., but, oh well. She'll soon be starting patch therapy, where the working eye is patched to force the brain to recognize the ignored eye. We'll start with just a couple hours a day, and depending on the random pick of a computer, we may go up to six hours a day if her improvement plateaus down the road. Living where we do has its perks. She's going to be in a research study that will provide money for co-payments as well as free patches--that is, if we can convince her to say yes! ;) Have to ask her on a good day, I suppose!

This afternoon she picked out her glasses. :) After much consideration, and after arriving at the chosen optics place before it opened, we ended up getting the $38 Walmart special, in hopes that she'll only wear these a short time as her eyes improve. Although I just realized, she could just change lenses in the current frames, huh.... Anyway, the frames we picked are like the ones above, except that the frame transitions from purple at the top to clear at the bottom. Unfortunately, it'll take a full two weeks to get them, so we'll all just have to sit in suspense until then!

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