Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Happy Birthday, Lil'S!!! (2)

Okay, now it's official,
Lil'S is ONE!!!!

Birthday Lunch: Cheese! (for the first time?) and a few Cheerios . . . and a few bites of chili. (You'd think it was C day. . . .) The cheddar shreds were certainly a hit. I had to have H sing to him to distract him while I snuck the chili into his mouth. That's generally how we feed him breakfast, too, although often it's S doing the singing while making his lunch.
(Yes, Lil'S still puts his feet up on the table at every meal. Thanks, H.)

While I was reading a naptime story to H, Lil'S headed over to play with his favorite "toy". He just happened to turn it on to a country station and started rocking out to this song.

"Man I don't know, where the time goes
"But it sure goes fast, just like that"

Just too perfect.

A little playtime with Sister--
like REAL playtime!

Mmm...yummy dinner. Thanks, Dad!
He ate quite well!

I just love the look on his face.

Happy Birthday!!!

We opted for chocolate pudding
instead of another cake this time.

Interpretation of Sam's actions:
waving his hand after food is offered = "all done"
grabbing Mom's sleeve = "Get me out of here! I'm done!"

[offering pudding 3]

Holding the spoon and letting Mom
put food in his mouth is Lil'S's new skill
. . . last month or this month?

We debated just getting him straight to bed since he was so tired, but then we went ahead decided to let him open a few presents since H was so eager for him to open the box of toys she'd collected from her room for him. The pictures above (chronological from middle, to left, and then clockwise) show how "let[ting] him open a few presents" went. After the first few tears he was off to play with his balloon and read the book Gma C got him for Christmas!

[insert present opening video]

Try Number 2

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