Monday, August 6, 2012

All Three Munchkins!

I finally have a picture of all three munchkins SMILING!!!  
Not the greatest of shots, sadly true, but I love it because they're my kids and they are SMILING!
Did I mention they were SMILING?
All of them?
In the same shot?
(Okay, I'll stop now....)

It all started when Lil'S, who usually throws a fit the moment the camera shows up because he wants to play with it, decided that he was actually going to copy his sister by posing with baby brother. 

I quickly called sister over to join in the fray, hoping against hopes that it just might work this time.

Try #1....nope....

Try #2--SCORE!!!

I've messed with it all sorts of ways to try to improve it, but I don't know that this is really better either.  I really need to cut out the background for starters and then play with their images.

And that one moment disintegrated--but I got the shot!!!

huh, what?

I think the baby's attention span was better than his siblings'.

Always happy to smile for the camera.


No, really, she is almost ALWAYS happy to smile at the camera.

Love it when Lil'S plays with N.  He brought over some blocks to show N how he can stack them.

Oh, what love!

Hey, wait!  Where'd everybody go!?

1 comment:

Ross & Amanda Goodman- but mostly Amanda :) said...

This is the difference between regular moms and super artistic and talented mothers like you. If I had a picture like that, I would post it as my profile everywhere and pat myself on the back. You, however, see smiling perfection and look to make it better. You amaze me. Also, your kids are stinkin' cute! :)