Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Many Ways to Use a T-shirt

Apologies in advance for no pictures!  I'm in a hurry so that I actually get something done tonight!

In scanning class descriptions for my church's Women's Day, I came across a class teaching how to make cute fabric bags from old t-shirts.  The idea intrigued me as I've been wondering about the end-life of old, stained t-shirts and the waste that likely results.  (And then I came across the book mentioned in my previous post, very cool.)  So, I did a little online searching and found ideas that *shock!* even I can do at home!

This first is the one I would do if I could sew--even for five minutes. ;)
Wahoo!  Gifts for family and teachers!!!  And a fun project for Hannah to learn braiding through!
This is how I'm going to make myself a little bag to hold my cell phone in, rather than buy a phone holster. The loops can slide onto a belt when I dress in the morning, although I'm brainstorming ways to just attach it to a belt loop (such as making it with only one loop, but I'm worried about the opening being too big.)  Can I do it with a sock, or would it just unravel?  Do I even have an old sock that wouldn't make it end up looking like I've got a sock hanging off my belt loops?

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