Wednesday, August 29, 2012

First Grade!!!

It's finally here, and H's oh, so happy!

There she goes!

Everyone but sleeping Baby N was there to see her off. 

Apparently our train-and truck-obsessed little boy liked getting to see the school bus.  (Turn your volume all the way up if you can't hear him. ;) )

She's home!

Just a clip of the 5min. vid I took after she got home.  I started recording a bit late, so as clarification, I had asked her how her first day was and when it starts, I'm repeating back to her what she said for the sake of the viewers.

I'm so excited for her to be back in school, but I'm also very concerned about her being back in school.  Like last year, sleep is still an issue.  How much can she handle with the amount of sleep she IS able to get?  She's been waking nightly--which she only does when sleep deprived--since the last few weeks of school, and she's rarely gone without doing so the whole summer long.  It's hard to tell from the movie, but immediately after getting off the bus, she was fighting off tears.  She still spoke positively about her day, which is a good sign, and I was definitely doing my best to just show excitement for her first day, as worried as I was.  However, after we went inside and she got settled (which took forever for shoes, lunch bag, school folder, backpack, etc, so I got a bit frustrated and lost my temper a bit with us taking so long, which probably didn't help the following), she told me she had a headache.  She's never had a headache before.  I got her some Tylenol while she lied down for a bit.  Not a good way to start to the new year--my part or hers.  Gratefully, the past couple afternoons have been better, although not without their moments of fatigue and moments of wired-tiredness.

Hopefully the benefits of attending school will outweigh these challenges!!!

Many Ways to Use a T-shirt

Apologies in advance for no pictures!  I'm in a hurry so that I actually get something done tonight!

In scanning class descriptions for my church's Women's Day, I came across a class teaching how to make cute fabric bags from old t-shirts.  The idea intrigued me as I've been wondering about the end-life of old, stained t-shirts and the waste that likely results.  (And then I came across the book mentioned in my previous post, very cool.)  So, I did a little online searching and found ideas that *shock!* even I can do at home!

This first is the one I would do if I could sew--even for five minutes. ;)
Wahoo!  Gifts for family and teachers!!!  And a fun project for Hannah to learn braiding through!
This is how I'm going to make myself a little bag to hold my cell phone in, rather than buy a phone holster. The loops can slide onto a belt when I dress in the morning, although I'm brainstorming ways to just attach it to a belt loop (such as making it with only one loop, but I'm worried about the opening being too big.)  Can I do it with a sock, or would it just unravel?  Do I even have an old sock that wouldn't make it end up looking like I've got a sock hanging off my belt loops?


Wahoo!  I've been wondering about all this!!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

This is for you, Grandpa!

These pjs were passed down from a friend.  They make me smile. 


Monday, August 6, 2012

All Three Munchkins!

I finally have a picture of all three munchkins SMILING!!!  
Not the greatest of shots, sadly true, but I love it because they're my kids and they are SMILING!
Did I mention they were SMILING?
All of them?
In the same shot?
(Okay, I'll stop now....)

It all started when Lil'S, who usually throws a fit the moment the camera shows up because he wants to play with it, decided that he was actually going to copy his sister by posing with baby brother. 

I quickly called sister over to join in the fray, hoping against hopes that it just might work this time.

Try #1....nope....

Try #2--SCORE!!!

I've messed with it all sorts of ways to try to improve it, but I don't know that this is really better either.  I really need to cut out the background for starters and then play with their images.

And that one moment disintegrated--but I got the shot!!!

huh, what?

I think the baby's attention span was better than his siblings'.

Always happy to smile for the camera.


No, really, she is almost ALWAYS happy to smile at the camera.

Love it when Lil'S plays with N.  He brought over some blocks to show N how he can stack them.

Oh, what love!

Hey, wait!  Where'd everybody go!?