H Pictures
So I just have to post them, even if I've already emailed them out. There's a ton here. Gotta play catch up!!! There are still more to add, as you'll see near the bottom. I've finally realized why it's taken so long for H to potty train. She's been too busy learning to do other things!!!
Duh, mom!
May 15, 2008
H actually wanted to do this again recently (I can't believe she remembered!) but I wouldn't let her because she's grown so much since this pict was taken.
May 17, 2008
So, this isn't of H, but I was so proud of creating a fun twist from my mom's scrumptious sausage casserole--one that I could actually eat these days! (I'm now lactose-intolerant.) I mixed fresh salsa (and a little more green pepper) into the egg mixture that is poured on top of the bread and sprinkled on bacon instead of sausage. I put cheese on half for S & H. I was afraid my cheese-less side would be bland, but it was incredible. So, next time we all gather for Christmas, could we make this too, please???
May 17, 2008
H drew a cat. Yes, a cat. And, yes, we're grateful we have some talented artist friends to pass her on to down the road!!! That's not exactly down my alley. (Although I guess I do have to confess I did make a few sketches I was proud of when I was in my teens. . . .)
June 1, 2008
H fixing Leap
Oh, yeah, she watched a friend of mine replace Leap's batteries earlier. I forgot about that.
A girlfriend has better shots--and video--of her son fixing his potato head's teeth with his plastic handyman tools. (His daddy was in dental school at the time.)
May 31, 2008
H potty training her doll
June 10, 2008
H wanted to wear a watch--just like Mom & Dad.
June 18, 2008
H helping plant seeds. She wiped half the dirt off her face before I could get the camera!
June 23, 2008
So, we got this crazy idea that we could actually buy a house, and we--I said we were crazy, didn't I?--took H along with us to check it out. The owner was working on some repairs, and H thought his tools and things were quite fun. (Where's that "rolling eyes" emoticon when I need it?) This is the one thing we allowed her to play with--briefly!
July 5, 2008
Playing with our neighbor's umbrella
July 6, 2008
I attempted a photo shoot with H so that I could send my German sister a cute picture of her in the dress she sent, but it turned out that H somehow had my film camera within the first few minutes. How did that happen? I really can honestly say I don't remember at this point. Of course it had something to do with me handing it over to her, but I have no clue what possessed me at the time to do it. Oh, maybe it was the opportunity to get a picture like this one. . . . Well, Tina, here you go!!! :)
I also didn't realize until it was too late that my camera lens had collected a little moisture from the humid morning air. Most of the pictures I took ended up with halos around my little angelic H!
July 10, 2007
H insisted on wearing her pjs--a shirt from a friend of ours--all day, but I insisted she have some pants on when she went outside. Luckily, it overalls worked pretty well. She just HAD to have her hat on the way out the door, though. What an outfit, eh?
July 28, 2008 Bike Practice
Aug 1, 2008
If only potty training was as easy as learning to ride a bike! Look at that face!
Proud Papa!
"Painting" the parking lot
Aug 9, 2008
She's mastered her letter H!!
Aug 10, 2008 Kiva Face
This reminds me of my cousin's cutie Kiva
Aug 19, 2008
Playing Chess
This is how I feel throughout S & my recent games of chess. . . .
Aug 22, 2008
Borrowing Daddy's toothbrush
10 Sept 2008
I was sitting on the floor as I chatted with my mom on the phone when H approached me and handed me a piece of paper, announcing, "Me Mommy name."
Not paying much attention, I took the paper and looked at it and screamed into the phone, "MOM!!! H just wrote my NAME!!! She wrote MOM!!!"
"Well, yeah, it's a bunch of zig-zags!"
"No, she wrote M-O-m-M!!!" I protested.
Here's proof!
Sept 19, 2008
H loves her Veggie Tales CD!
I was cubing some raw potatoes next to her, and mid-song she decided to give one a try. ;) Yuck!
19 Sept 2008
I've recently started working with H to teach her to clean up after herself, secretly hoping that it just might rub off on me. . . . Once the room looks beautiful, or when she'd like to be done with it all, she shouts, "Clean room!" I love the way she says "clean", though, so I just had to make and share this short vid with you all. I also have learned a good lesson from her as well: When you do something well, CELEBRATE your accomplishment, no matter how small it may seem!
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