Friday, June 17, 2011

Mother's Reprimand

Why is it that after a bad morning that ends with arguing with my daughter that I just have to come across this quote online:

Don't worry that children never listen to you; worry that they are always watching you. ~Robert Fulghum

Do I really need that rubbed in, especially after she stops off saying, "Don't ever talk to me like that again or I'll put you in your room!!"


She then stomped to the table and told Sam, "You have a bad mommy!"

Yes, this morning, she certainly does! If only I knew my moodiness was going to end earlier than nine months from now. . . .


Ross & Amanda Goodman- but mostly Amanda :) said...


Southern Spud said...

:D yeah..... ;) Really, we're waiting to tell most people (and esp little H as she's so obsessed with babies--as in, the past few weeks she's actually had my preg books in her room "because I like playing baby being born" which is quite the crack-up to S & I. She wouldn't be able to handle something going awry). However, I needed to be honest at that moment, and I figured few check my blog regularly, and those who did--like you!--wouldn't be spilling to beans to others around us before we were ready to. Not that I prefer to wait to tell people! I like sharing such great news the moment I get it! But, we figured we'd wait at least until the ultrasound to make sure things are going alright so far. I think they are. But, you don't always know, which is why we're waiting to tell H. I personally like--and probably NEED--support from friends/family when it comes to mc, which is why I don't mind sharing early on. Blab, blab, blab--but exciting news!!! I'll blab about it more later as things progress.

Nadia said...

aw i know of no one else who reads your blog that i need to worry about, we are also waiting to tell anyone. *BTW- you are THE first.*

Southern Spud said...

LOL!!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!! :D

Robyn said...

Congrats! I know how you feel with the moodiness, especially when you have two to deal with. The third one for me has seemed a bit more difficult than the first two. good luck.