Thursday, September 22, 2011

eye stuff p.s. re: Lil'S

At H's most recent appointment, when talking about scheduling H's next appointment, her doctor looked at busy Lil'S and said she could check his eyes then too. I was so relieved when she brought that up because I'd actually been wondering earlier that week what we needed to do to make sure his vision stayed strong--would she be willing to just check him out mid-H's appts or should we pay the $60 for an exam however frequently or what. Phew! With how strabismus is a genetic thing (ha, one we weren't even aware would be an issue, amongst all the things we knew could be!), I knew Lil'S was at risk, and it seemed to me that there have been times his eyes have been slightly misaligned--usually when he's tired--and it's mostly noticeable in pictures, when the light is reflecting off his eyes. However, I think I'm also so used to looking at family members with slightly mis-aligned eyes that I wonder if I really don't know what straight looks like anymore! ;) I did realize since the appt that Lil'S's eyes would go wall-eye when he was a young infant, like H's did. I'd read in a baby book that that was normal up to about 4 months, so I'd really have to ask about that further to see if that's really correct, if he's at higher risk, yada, yada, yada....all those things mothers worry about.

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