Thursday, September 15, 2011

Shopping Deals

Okay, I just got H two shirts (plus-size 7 & 8) for upcoming years for $5.15, tax included, free shipping. I like Lands' End! (Not when they ship me Overstocks items that should have been labeled Not Quite Perfect, but in moments like this I'm willing to forgive.) Yes, some combing through and patience was certainly needed, but I'm thrilled to have shirts that will be the right fit for her to wear--and their being cute is a bonus!

You can get dark chocolate men's dress pants for about $17 right now. Sadly, I think only one of S's shirts will work with that color--other than his white shirts--but it's a great deal. (if they're not actually NQP!) ;)

Here's my free shipping, no minimum purchase code, ladies. Please use it! It's good until 9/20.
pin: 9111

Happy Shopping!

p.s. Can anyone tell me how to find BLACK mens' dress pants for cheap? L.L. Bean has khaki ones for about $35, and Old Navy has black ones online for $30. (Will the ON ones wrinkle in the wash? I don't have time for laundry....I've got to have wrinkle free!) I did just found some links for printable coupons for 30% off one item, which would make them $20 (plus tax) if they're the same price in stores. I think that's what I'm going to need to do. . . . Lands's End and L.L. Bean all have black ones for $50 or more! (Except wide-wale corduroy, which are a deal at $20, but I'm pretty sure S won't want them. He's not cold-blooded like I am.) Maybe this weekend S will have some pants to wear to work that are not stained, ripped, or shredded at the bottoms! I'm tempted to try Goodwill, but I'm afraid of not being able to find ones that fit the above description. . . . I've been lucky before, though. Maybe I'll be lucky again. . . .


Jenny said...

We always buy Lincoln's dress pants from Kohl's. We never, ever, ever spend more than $30. Kohl's has a lot of options.

Southern Spud said...

Thanks! :) I've liked Kohl's, whenever I've remembered to go there. I didn't grow up with one, so it doesn't usually come first to mind.

Cindy said...

Macys carries a brand called Haggar. So far they are the longest lasting pants we've found and you can get them fairly reasonable. Around $30 regular price. Macys has great promotions every once in a while. We have got them for $15 before.

PS Don't buy Dockers. The last few pairs have only lasted 3 months. Quality has suffered in this recession....