Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Real Boy Haircut!

On Jan. 3rd, I got a sudden urge to take advantage of a few moments to cut Lil'S's hair.  I'd wanted to do it for a while--at least once his baby locks could be swept beneath his shirt collar, which was probably a couple weeks before Christmas!  It was 4:30 p.m., and I knew I had a few minutes before S would be home and went at it, although I guess I probably should have been cooking dinner.  Oh, well.  If I had cooked dinner, my son's hair would likely still be long at this point.  (I'm not exaggerating.  It took a whole week for me to get around to S's overgrown mop, and I still haven't trimmed H's hair or made an appointment to chop my own before this baby comes.)  I realized after I cut his hair that the lady at the post office who took him for a girl probably had been paying more attention to his long hair than his blue coat. ;) Was that sudden urge of mine a subconscious reaction to that???

before taking the razor to the top

and afterward

We had a European-style dinner to make up for the loss of time:  slices of salami, cheese, and bread.  I'm sure there were some veggies or fruit thrown in as well.  There usually is!
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1 comment:

Ross & Amanda Goodman- but mostly Amanda :) said...

He looks so handsome and so big! It is funny seeing the picture up top of him as a little baby, and then his big boy look in the post. He still has those smushable cheeks though! :)