Monday, October 1, 2012

Hearing Loss & Pneumonia & ADHD, Oh My!

So, this month or so has been a busy one health-wise for Miss. H.  She developed some fairly significant (and gratefully temporary!) hearing loss.  Apparently there was fluid behind her eardrum, which appears to have been caused by allergies.  (How nice it felt to cancel that audiology appointment upon her being re-tested a few weeks later!)  She also had two episodes of breathing difficulties due to mild pneumonia--as in, blue lips, grunting instead of breathing, curled up into a ball.  Terrifying, but it's over now and we're moving on and I really don't want to know how she would react to a decent case of pneumonia.  And, this morning, she was just diagnosed with AD/HD.

Yes, things have been crazy around here, which is how they usually are to be completely honest, but I guess they have been more so than usual.  I think I'm starting to get used to it though, and I have a feeling that with three kids now, that's just what normal is going to be for the next 20 or so years of my life!  (Yes, we're not done having kids yet, so 18 years wouldn't be quite accurate. ;) )

Here's what I just wrote to a cousin about H's AD/HD evaluation:

Well, we just had [H] evaluated today at Duke's ADHD Clinic, and, yup, she "qualifies" as moderately AD/HD, with both inattentive and hyperactive.  The woman evaluating her said there've been some studies regarding sleep and ADHD, which I hadn't heard before when I've asked others, so I'm eager to learn what they are and what was learned from them.  We'll be starting "parent training" ;) hopefully sooner rather than later (she'll have her own behavioral therapy as she gets older), and as [H] s more on the moderate vs. mild side of the spectrum, we'll be doing some medication trials too, if [S] feels more comfortable about that idea after meeting with the clinic's psychiatrist.  I'm really hoping we are able to quickly find a medication/dosage that works well for her, although I know it can take some trial and error.  I know she's unhappy with the way things have been just as we have, and I look forward to her being able to have a little more control over her choices and reactions.  I also am really looking forward to [S] and I being on the same boat as to our expectations for her behavior and our reactions to it.  ;) 

Additionally, I'm very happy thus far with the people we've met with.  Their goal is to look at the whole range of a child's issues to be sure problems are handled properly, rather than just quickly slapping on a label, and they seem to be doing this well so far.  We'll see how "parent training" and the initial appointments for her med trials go!

P.S. We found the cause of Baby N's constant congestion and wheeziness: GERD.  I should have figured that one out!  He's been on meds for a week now, and his breathing is beautifully clear!  I'm so relieved to not have to put another child on steriods!!

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