Friday, April 6, 2012

DIY, Day 3

Okay, so, really it's Days 2-3. . . .

Continuation of Day 2
Find out how much money your husband spent on the stuff you asked him to get at Home Depot during trip #2 (polyester/nylon brushes, $18; painters tape, $5; polycritic protective finish--bad idea--$18; grand total: $43!!!!) and make a plan to return everything but the painter's tape on the next trip that direction. (Gotta save time and gas, folks--especially gas when it's $4 a gallon!!)
Take pictures of bathroom for blog while I brush my teeth.  Brainstorm design ideas while lying in bed, waiting to fall asleep.

Plan for Day 3
Pack the kids into the car around 9 a.m. and drive the 20 min. to the nearest craft store.  (There's gotta be one closer than that, seriously here.  Well, I guess I don't live in Idaho anymore, huh. . . .)  Pick up cheap-o foam brushes.  Paint the cabinet doors during nap time.

What actually happened on Day 3
Woke around 8 a.m. (thank you, children!), realized I couldn't follow plan for Day 3 with S having taken the car to get to the dentist for a broken filling before the man leaves town, sent H to get dressed, fed kids, snacked on the gingerbread book sitting on my kitchen counter (that book is another post), and retreated to the bedroom to get dressed.  Just as I finished getting dressed, I heard a knock on the door.  Who in the world could that be?  Oh!  Lil'S's language therapist.  Guess it's good S took the car, eh?  Wipe Lil'S's gushing nose, sanitize his hands--poor kid still has his pink eye cold that I really don't want to share with anyone--and sit back to nurse baby boy while observing Lil'S's therapy session.

Progress did still occur on the project, however.  Once Lil'S and N were down for their naps, I worked on prepping to paint around the towel hooks.  (No, that's not exactly moving the cabinet project forward, but, hey, this is impulsive DIY, remember?  And what else was I supposed to do, not having a car?)  Removed hanging towels, removed 2 hooks, finally got H into the bathroom (she was finishing her lunch), showed her how to unscrew a hook, helped her unscrew a hook.  Showed H how to wash the wall afterward, and let her wash her area of the wall.  Put H and myself down for naps!   After naps: feed everyone, show H how to tape wall, tend to toddler and infant, check out H's performance, take pictures of H's fantastic job with her posing alongside. (Sorry, you'll just have to wait to see them until S gets them loaded to our computer.)  Endlessly debate the whole foam brushes / expensive brushes thing.  Hmm . . . I wonder if I could borrow some. . . . And, of course, blab forever about the mundane details of those whole, eternal endeavor!

Plan for Day 4

Get brushes (Does Walmart carry foam ones?  What about Target?  I know it has simple roller ones.) and paint shapes taped onto the wall and front of cabinet doors.

Can you see why I don't typically even attempt to tackle anything that could be termed a "project"?

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