Thursday, April 5, 2012

DIY the Impulsive Way

So, I've tossed around doing something crazy to my "armpit of the house" bathroom just for the sake of having something else to look at over the next however many years it'll take us to save up the money to remodel.  Well, last night, after a morning spent touring a little local art shop and a bit of UNC's art museum, I sent S off to Home Depot (which we really see as the Walmart of the home improvement world; many of the items we've purchased there have broken or had other problems, so I don't recommend shopping there if your project is really important to you) with a request that he pick up paint to match the yellow and one of the blues of two whimsical shower hooks (they're super cute, aren't they?) we have and a paint brush.  H and I were going to paint the bathroom--just that one, small wall!  Okay, just the bathroom cabinet . . . 's doors!  Knowing myself, we'd have to start small, see how that goes and what we learn from it, and then work our way up.

Yes, I did say H was going to help.  It might end up being blue and yellow (ha, and likely green) splatters all over the place, but at least it'd be something, and the way our bathroom is and it's current paint job, I really don't think it could get much worse.

S surprised me by actually getting the paints color-matched to the hooks, instead of just having Hannah find a paint that was close--and he bought Behr, not just some cheapie brand.  Ooo!  Guess we'd better do a good job, eh?!

Day one - get paint and brushes
Day two - get painter's tape and polyester/nylon brushes, return bristle brushes; tell 6-yr-old that if she naps today she can help paint during tomorrow's nap time
Day three - don't dare type it for fear it won't happen. . . .

1 comment:

Ross & Amanda Goodman- but mostly Amanda :) said...

Ooh- fun! Post pictures. I love DIY stuff, and the kids love helping- so good for you for figuring out how to involve her!