Saturday, April 7, 2012

DIY, Day 4

We painted the cabinet doors!  Yippee!

We also painted the shapes on the wall where the towel hooks are.

I forwent the decision to return both of the Home Depot synthetic brushes in order to simply get the dumb project completed--or closer to completion, that is, more on that in a moment.  I decided to keep the 2" brush and use it, so we'll just return the $10, 2.5" brush.  (They're not even that great of brushes!  Am I just a cheapskate!?)

Why "closer to completion"?  Well, I thought it'd be fun (and probably outta my league) to paint a jungle motiff on the door panels:  a palm tree in each one with a tiger in one and a monkey in the other that match the style of the shower hooks.  It was either that or let H go at it with some colored paints.  The shapes we just did with the towel hooks won't exactly go along with the jungle theme, unless I figure out some crazy way to make them fit in, but I don't think I'll be able to pull that off, especially considering that one of H's "shapes" is actually a house.  Oh, yeah, we have yet to paint on the door and window, but Monday's another day--and H's out of school then still.

Someday I'll get pictures up.  Someday!  Right now it's time to feed a munchkin . . . a very cute, very hungry munchkin.

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