Monday, February 9, 2009

My 3-yr-old Baby

She's been obsessed with babies for over a year now. She switches back and forth between saying she is carrying twins like a dear friend of ours ("Me two babies in me tummy!") and acting like a baby. The latter activity has become nearly non-stop since her illness Feb. 2, but I'm really hoping it starts to become boring to her sometime soon. Then, maybe she'll STOP. . . . This was just too cute, though. Is it just me or does she actually look like a baby with her short hair and chubby cheeks?

I have to say I love this clip because as a baby she had hardly any hair, didn't babble, and didn't even do a typical crawl! (She did the knee-foot thing.)
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1 comment:

Megan and Jeremy said...

Happy Birthday H!!! I'm glad you had a fun day and you're starting to feel better...have fun with all those paints :)

Rebecca her hair is so cute in pigtails!!! I just love the curls (and even without them she most definitely looks like a GIRL not a boy!)