Sunday, February 1, 2009

Quote of the Day

H, after twenty minutes of badgering Mama to let her type on the computer (and let me say that this was the first time Mama has sat down to just write--as in the writing kind of writing--in who knows how long), H wanders a little aimlessly around the room, then stops and looks at her Papa, studying a book outlining the basics of early Christian history. (Church History, An Essential Guide, a short, simple text of about 90 pages from my Christian History class, one of the few classes whose grade--AN A!!!--I felt actually matched up to the sweat and tears I put into it.)  She then climbed onto her Papa's lap, begging, "Read me a book."
"You want me to read you a book?" Papa asks.
"And three book and five book."

H's turning 3 in a few--actually only a couple--days. Am I ready for this? Hmm. . . I think so.

Um, Daddy, I think you only made it to one book. Here's H back at my side, holding a pregnancy book: "Mommy, read me baby book."

(posted by Mama, actually)

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