Thursday, July 8, 2010

Just cleaning the floor . . . again. . . .

It's 9:46 a.m. I swept up the oats I spilled around 8:30. I then swept up the oats H spilled around 9:15. I now am going to return to the kitchen to clean up H's not-so-much-an-accident-rather-than-I'm-tired-and-don't-want-to-go-to-the-bathroom-so-I'll-fuss-and-cry-and-pee-on-the-floor-instead accident. And then I'll clean up the bathroom floor when H's done in the tub.

I was planning on bombing the house for fleas (again) so that we at least had a short period of time again before being eaten alive. H looks like she has chicken pox between the flea, mosquito, and ant bites she has, poor girl!!! I wonder if that'll still get done anytime today--obviously not in the early morning.

Okay, now I'm going to do myself a favor and at least turn on some music (something other than kid music!) to listen to while I clean. Maybe someday I'll get an ipod of my own . . . or at least a CD player in the kitchen. . . . (the latter would be cheaper anyway).

Better go calm the hurricane in the bathroom.

Happy Thursday!!

1 comment:

Ross & Amanda Goodman- but mostly Amanda :) said...

Oh Becca, those days can be so hard, especially when the promise of a Daddy homecoming is not there. I wish I was closer to come and help out! You are so amazing to keep such high spirits and a good attitude- definitely a lesson I could use at times. Hang in there!