Saturday, July 10, 2010

So, WHEN can I move back to Idaho???

Someday I'll have to write a post about why I love North Carolina, just to make up for this, but I need to embrace a weak moment. (Okay, so, really I want to embrace it.) Maybe I'll do both since I actually do have pros on NC in mind and I may never have another spare moment for this again. ;)

Why I miss Idaho
- I can walk out my front door and not get bitten by mosquitos
- the sun shines the majority of the year (this one is vs. Ann Arbor, MI)
- it snows when I want it to
- my husband doesn't have to cut thru clay in order for me to have a garden
- I don't have to worry about being eaten alive if I actually want garden
- I can actually go outside--period.
- it snows in the winter (in normal years)

Why I love NC
- my tomato plants really did grow six feet tall like the garden center guy said they would!
- it's beautiful--everything grows a plenty! (if only there weren't mosquitos, ticks, 90-100 degrees plus humidity, etc.)
- I don't have to scrape ice off my car (although I guess I do have to wipe "dew" off my car, not as bad, but rarely expected)
- it snowed lots last winter!
p.s. shhh! don't tell S about this post!
p.p.s. S was looking at real estate in ID a month ago during his weak moment. ;)

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