Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Just an update. . . .

I'm still at 35 cm even though I'm 39 weeks, but I have again gained a couple pounds. Hopefully at least some of that went to baby! If I'm still measuring 35 next week, I'll ask for another ultrasound to check on his size. (Maybe I should have done that this week. I read up on asthma & pregnancy the other night. The American College of Obs & Gyns stated in Feb '09 that preg women with asthma should be asked about their symptoms every month and those with moderate/severe asthma should be considered for monitoring for fetal growth and activity starting at 32 weeks.) My PA said last week's ultrasound put him at only the 21st percentile. I often can't walk at a normal speed anymore--even for a few steps!--without getting out of breath, but maybe that's just late pregnancy!

I am actually progressing toward labor, even if only a little. I am still posterior, but I'm 50% effaced and 1 cm, which was better than I was with H! I don't think I was even 1 cm when I went in to be induced a week late.

Unfortunately, H's sick with something. It's too early to tell what it is, but I'm really hoping it's not the flu. We've both been sniffily lately, which I wasn't sure if I should attribute to spring flowers or mild colds. However, I took her temp this afternoon when she felt a little warm, and she had a low-grade fever. It's 101.4 right now, and she's felt achy, which isn't a comforting sign. I'm hoping it's just another UTI--not contagious and easily remedied, at least now that we know the correct med to give her! She's played with a different set of friends every morning this week, and I sure hope she hasn't passed this around. (SO SORRY if that's the case, Ladies!!!!) Tomorrow is play group, and Friday was going to be my last day working at M, a nursery for moms attending a worship service, so I'm especially disappointed about this. (I love being paid to hold babies and chat with friends!) I guess I'll get over it, though. ;)

On a more cheerful note, right now S and a friend are picking up a sleeper sofa for our sitting room! I'm so excited! Thanks to the help of a couple great friends last Saturday, there's now a place to put it (I should have taken & posted before & after picts!), and S said we could finally get one, even though our budget is tight. (But as long as I behave myself with groceries this next week, we'll still be within the month's pay! Yay!) It could use a little steam cleaning, but it's a pretty fabric and in decent shape--esp for $50. Actually, it's very similar to the couches my parents have in their living room, so really I was just thrilled to see it posted on CL!

We're also hoping to get a bookcase picked up sometime soon. Our plywood one in the sitting room lost a shelf while Seth was trying to fix its bottom shelf last Saturday during our sitting room clean-up. I found a potential replacement on Craigslist that has bottom cabinets for only $25! If it's as nice looking as the picture shows, it's a steal! It's not as deep as I prefer, but that doesn't matter as long as it's stable and will hold the books we need it to. The owner said he's avail Sat. We'll see if it works out!

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