Thursday, March 25, 2010

I did it!

Now, Yay for me!
I cut H's hair!
This was her first haircut--ever.
Can you believe it?
Yes, she is 4-yrs-old!
Here's the damage--most of it, I should say. Not bad, eh? I did a little on Monday while she was napping but decided today that keeping her entertained with Dragon Tales would probably give me a better result. :)

I barely touched the sides since they're already so short--mostly trimmed them to keep it slightly shorter than the back, and I layered the back (esp the top) since her hair has grown in so long there. I think it looks so cute right now, although we'll see how much it shortens as it continues to dry. She does still have funny curls in the very front, though. I need more time to figure out what to do with them!

1 comment:

Marian said...

It looks beautiful! Hooray for H sitting still!